Laura Furumoto

Laura Furumoto, MBA, is a marketing consultant with over 25 years of experience. Ms. Furumoto started her business working as a consultant to a former employer after budget cuts created a reduction in force that eliminated her position. Since then, Ms. Furumoto has grown her business locally and nationally solely through referral, acting as a part-time Marketing Director for small to medium sized businesses and non-profit organizations. She is known as a “get it done” person and describes her services as “Marketing to Go,” what you need when you need it, offering strategic planning, marketing, brand management, copywriting and public relations consulting for any sized budget. She received her undergraduate degree form University of California at Davis and MBA with an emphasis in Marketing from the University of Nevada, Reno.

Marketing to Go’s Philosophies

  • Successful marketing plans are based on sound research.
  • Naiveté = negativity. If you don’t understand how a marketing tool works, you won’t want to use it. This can be to your detriment. Keep yourself open and receptive and learn new ways to increase your business.
  • Marketing is a discipline, an industry, a mindset, a lot of fun, and most importantly... it is a commitment.
  • As a passionate storyteller, we only engage with clients who are passionate about what they do. The positive energy feeds our creativity.

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